Sunday 29 July 2012

Specialised Cells, Evolution, 23/7/2012

4 types of specialised cells:

~RBC (Red Blood Cells)
~Xylem vessel (xylem cell)
~Root Cell
~Intestinal cell

Red Blood Cells

~It is biconcave shaped
~No nucleus so gotten rid off by the liver
~can change shape (flexible) 
~Has haemoglobin


~The biconcave shape increases the surface are to volume ratio so more oxygen can be diffused as more Red Blood Cells can be compacted into a certain amount of space.
~Haemoglobin allows transportation of oxygen and not having a nucleus allows more haemoglobin to be inside the cells so more oxygen can be transported.

How does the biconcave shape help in increasing S.A. to volume ratio?

Red blood cell--LARGER surface area compared to other cell that has same volume.

Xylem Vessel

~Three types of cells: Xylem parenchyma cells and fiber cells and tracheary elements.
~The first 2 cells provide structural support for TE.
~TE are dead when they mature and act like pipes to allow water and dissolved minerals to flow through them.
~The support is provided by secondary cell wall thickenings, which form in distinctive patterns mostly rings to provide maximum structural support. the cells are arranged end to end.

They are made of lignified cell walls and the secondary cell walls are made of lignin which is a type of hard glue.

The xylem vessel is used for 2 functions:

~Transport system (transports minerals and water)

Root Cell

~has a long and narrow protruding end which increases the surface area to volume ratio, enabling the root hair cells to absorb more water and mineral salts from the soil.

Intestinal cell

Epithelial cells in the small intestine are a type of brush border cell (covered in microvilli). These cells are covered in microvilli to increase the surface area to volume ratio thus making them more efficient.

  • Ion uptake
  • Water uptake
  • Sugar uptake
  • Peptide and amino acid uptake
  • Lipid uptake
  • Vitamin B12 uptake
  • Reabsorption of unconjugated bile salts.
  • Secretion of immunoglobulins

Most of this information was from our class google docs on specialized cells.

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